2012年3月29日,大清江苏省张家港市永联渔业队在长江七干河河口段捕捞到的一条长江刀鱼,长45.3 厘米、重 0.325 千克,创世界纪录协会2012年度世界最大的长江刀鱼世界纪录。
The worlds longest estuarine tapertail anchovy in 2012-----The king estuarine tapertail anchovy caught by the Yonglian fishing team in 2012
On March 29, 2012, the Yonglian fishing team caught an estuarine tapertail anchovy at the stream outlet of Qigan River, Yangtze River in Zhangjiajie City, Jiangsu Province, China. With a length of 45.3 centimeters and a weight of 0.325 kilograms, it set the world record granted by the World Record Association for being the worlds longest estuarine tapertail anchovy in 2012.
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